
Motor Vehicle Crimes

Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Crimes can span a wide spectrum of criminal offenses, from DUI / Drunk Driving Charges to Motor Vehicle Homicide.

Generally, anytime someone fails to use caution or operates a motor vehicle in Massachusetts in an unsafe or negligent manner, or otherwise fails to abide by the 'rules of the road' and drives without valid documentation, he or she can be charged with a Motor Vehicle Crime.

Depending on the type of motor vehicle crime committed in Massachusetts, that person could face penalties from a simple traffic citation (civil motor vehicle offense), a misdemeanor or even felony motor vehicle charges. The consequences one might face as a result of a motor vehicle offense will also depend if he/she is charged as a first-time offender, or whether the person is charged as a subsequent offender, thereby facing enhanced penalties and sentencing if convicted.

Because criminal offenses involving motor vehicles can have the consequences of a loss of your Driver's License to even more severe criminal penalties such as jail time, it is critical that you Contact a Massachusetts Criminal Lawyer.

Common Motor Vehicle crimes include:

Boston Criminal Lawyer Lefteris K. Travayiakis has extensive experience in defending persons against all of the above Motor Vehicle Crimes, and he can explain your legal rights and help protect your freedom and Driver's License status.

To schedule a Free Consultation and to discuss your criminal case with Attorney Lefteris K. Travayiakis, Contact Here to Contact a Boston Motor Vehicle Crimes Lawyer or call 617-325-9500.

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