
Assault With Intent to Murder or Kill

The Massachusetts Legislature has specifically defined Assault with Intent to Murder or Kill in General Laws Chapter 265, Section 15, which provides for punishment of in the House of Corrections for up to 2.5 years, or state prison for up to 10 years.

For the crime of Assualt with Intent to Murder or Kill, the prosecutor must prove:
  1. That the defendant assaulted a person; and
  2. That the defendant possessed a specific or actual intent to cause the death of the person assaulted.
Whether the defendant possessed a specific or actual intent to cause the death of another means that he had it in his mind to do the act. Intent involves concentrating or focusing the mind for some period of time to consciously and with determination, to commit an act to cause the death of the person assaulted. An intent merely to disable or scare off another is not sufficient intent for the crime of Assault with Intent to Murder or Kill, nor is the intent to inflict bodily injury or serious bodily harm.

Boston Criminal Lawyer Lefteris K. Travayiakis has extensive experience in defending persons accused of the crime of Assault with Intent to Murder or Kill, as well as many other Crimes of Violence, and is available 24/7 for consultation.

To schedule a Free Consultation, Contact Us Online or call 617-325-9500.

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